What are teachers saying about the IVEProject?
We asked some teachers to tell us what they thought of the IVEProject - this is what they said:
Edo (Japan) The IVEProject has benefited my students amazingly well by providing opportunities for authentic communications with other EFL speakers / learners. My students have stated that they enjoyed the project, found it to be beneficial in their language learning, and also grew in their understanding of foreign cultures. Even those students who did not participate very often admitted that they regretted not being more active in the IVEProject. This project should be included in every EFL classroom to enable learners to practice their language skills in realistic situations while learning about new cultures and sharing information about their own culture! - Edo Forsythe, Hirosaki Gakuin University, Japan
Cíntia (Brazil) I believe the IVE project is a great opportunity for learners to use the language they are learning to communicate in a real-life context and with a purpose (meaningfully). Besides, language practice, students also get the chance to learn about different cultures and traditions and expand their intercultural communication repertoire. After conducting some research with students in the past, most students recognize the value of the project in improving their vocabulary and writing skills, besides learning about different cultures and languages.
Wisma (Indonesia) My students were really excited, enthusiastic and grateful that I made them participate in the IVE Project through my course. They said they got a lot of new knowledge and new friends from other countries/cultures. They enjoy IVE Project so much and even request to participate in it again in the following semester. Universitas Bengkulu - Indonesia
Duris (Colombia) I believe the IVEProject is significantly benefiting SENA learners in several ways. Firstly, it provides them with a multicultural learning experience, allowing them to interact with peers from different countries and cultures, which broadens their perspectives and enhances their cultural awareness. Secondly, the project helps improve their English language skills through practical application, such as reading, writing, and speaking in a real-world context. Additionally, the diverse and dynamic activities proposed by the IVEProject keep learners engaged and motivated, fostering a love for the English language. Overall, the project provides them with valuable skills that are essential in today’s globalized world. I work as an English instructor in SENA-Barrancabermeja, Santander, Colombia. Thanks
Carmen Gloria (Chile) El IVEP es el lugar donde nuestros estudiantes pueden desarrollar su competencia intercultural de forma natural, con personas y situaciones reales y en un ambiente seguro. Varios de mis estudiantes, quienes han tenido la posibilidad de relacionarse con personas de otras culturas a través de distintas plataformas, destacan la seguridad y el ambiente de respeto que existe entre los participantes del IVEP. Por otro lado, si comparas la cantidad de escritura que los estudiantes realizan sin el IVEP y con el IVEP, la diferencia es abismante. En esta plataforma los estudiantes escriben con un propósito comunicativo sobre una amplia variedad de temas, con una gran cantidad de actividades que van mejorando año a año.
Daniel (Japan) : The IVE project is fantastic! It provides an interactive platform where students can practice their English while learning about diverse cultures around the world. The real-time meetings enable students to connect and engage in meaningful experiences with peers from various countries. It turns the world into a virtual classroom.
Jorge (Mexico) Nuestros alumnos estan ahora usando el idioma en un contexto global. The American School of Tampico
Lida Yasmín (Colombia) Thanks to IVE Project for helping our learners to feel more optimistic and confident about learning English as a Foreign Language, having the chance to interact with different cultures.
Andrew (Japan) The IVE Project gives many of my first-year university students in Japan an opportunity to communicate directly with their peers in another culture for the first time. They can learn about the reality of living and growing up in another culture, and I hope it helps them to start to think about and accept cultural differences before they all go and study abroad.
July Andrea (Colombia) SENA teacher from Bogota, Colombia. The experience, we explored by using IVEProject, was pretty beneficial. My students were delighted interacting back and forth with different people from different places, not only from Colombia itself but also other countries. They enjoyed reading other's people messages and got excited when they got messenger themselves. They appreciate the opportunity to participate and be able to share their own experiences. Love the platform and hope we can keep interacting in the future. Best wishes
Kevin Smith (Colombia) It helps students learning by giving some comments according to their questions and answers.
Lina Fernanda (Colombia) IVEProject benefició a mis aprendices del SENA-Colombia en el conocimiento de diferentes culturas, de la interacción en un idioma extranjero, en este caso es el Inglés, por lo que el proyecto atiende a la necesidad de comunicación, interacción y aprendizaje del idioma y aún mejor con la interación de extranjeros.
Miguel Angel (Colombia) IVE Projects promote the students from SENA, Centro Agroindustrial del Meta, to increase their skill for reading and writing comprehension. since they frequntly ask the instructors to correct some of their drafts, before posting in the forums.
Efren Ernesto (Colombia) IVEProject is an interesting opportunity for those second language learners to interact with learners from many different countries learning about some aspects of those students' cultures.
Diego Andrés (Colombia) Mejoran sus habilidades de redacción, escritura, ortografía y comprensión lectora.
Luz Alba (Colombia) utilice su nombre de pila; el país de donde usted es; además del comentario que usted haga en el sitio web del IVEProject para mostrar los beneficios del IVEProject. Sitio super recomendado, permite intercambiar ideas con otros estudiantes de otros países, enriqueciendo su vocabulario, y como motivación para el aprendizaje. Muchas gracias por este gran programa.
Siane (Indonesia) It's been a great opportunity for me and my students to take part in the IVEP for the last two years. This project has been amazing bringing all students from all over the world to be in one community, though the students can only interact each other 'online' , but IVEP has given much opportunity for them to be brave in responding to others' opinions or insights and even to initiate any topics to discuss further in variety of activities. The opportunity will bring students to slowly come out from their 'comfort-zone' and start to make connections with others as they're sharing a mutual goal and hope in the future. For sure, I'd like to thank all the people 'behind the scene' who've put their best effort and hard-work to make this project happened. Hope the IVEP will continue every year and bring a bigger impact to all students around the world who'd like to keep on learning smile
Jocsan Gaddiel (Colombia) Mis aprendices se sienten motivados por el aprendizaje del inglés como lengua extranjera, y ademas de la lengua, la cultura les envuelve y les incita a investigar y participar mas de este tipo de eventos.
Corazon (Japan) The IVE Project has the power to unlock students' linguistic and intercultural communication skills that the synchronous class could not provide. The opportunity to connect with other students outside one's country using English is hard to find for free. Although AI spoils many opportunities for students to improve their language skills, some learners face the challenges and become victorious by using it wisely.
Hector Alejandro (Colombia) This project is the perfect opportunity to use the target language in a real context.
Arifah (Indonesia) I think the IVE projects allowed my students to engage and learn in a safe environment with students with different cultural and language backgrounds. It is safe because for students with limited language mastery, they don't have to be in a position where they have to speak directly to their new friends. This asynchronous community give them the space to practice their language no matter how limited their language mastery is.
Ana Isabel (Colombia) I think that, for students who are young and don't know much about the rest of the world, this forum is a great chance to have a glimpse of other people's culture and customs. It helps them widen their own perspective and maybe dreaming about going abroad. I really think it is a great experience and those who take it seriously learn a lot from it. Everyone should take it seriously because it is an easy way to have a way of learning outside from the regular teaching methods and classrooms.
Alejandro Simón (Colombia) My students would be enthused to make videos (reels, shorts) about IVE if the are invited too. This program in helping them interact with international classmates, enriching them culturally and socially. Alejandro S. Nieto from Bogotá, Colombia.
I Dewa Gede Rat Dwiyana (Indonesia) This project is very beneficial in several ways especially for my students who learn english as a foreign language. They can train their skills and communicative competence through this project. But, the most important thing is that, they can understand that if people could not communicate in English well, it means that they are mastering more than one language. This will improve their self-confidence and could appreciate their skill well.
Maggie Carolina (Colombia) La participación de mis aprendices en IVE Project, ha tenido un impacto significativo en su aprendizaje. En primer lugar, ha mejorado sus habilidades de comunicación en inglés, permitiéndoles interactuar con hablantes nativos y no nativos en situaciones reales y significativas. Esta práctica ha fomentado la confianza y fluidez en el uso del idioma. Además, mis aprendices han desarrollado una mayor comprensión y apreciación de diversas culturas, lo que ha enriquecido su perspectiva global y su sensibilidad intercultural. Académicamente, la participación en el intercambio, ha potenciado las capacidades de resolución de problemas, pensamiento crítico y trabajo en equipo de los aprendices, preparándolos mejor para los desafíos profesionales y personales en un mundo globalizado. Esta experiencia les ha proporcionado habilidades valiosas que no solo son aplicables en el ámbito educativo, sino también en sus futuras carreras y vida diaria. En resumen, ha transformado la perspectiva de mis aprendices, brindándoles herramientas esenciales para convertirse en ciudadanos globales competentes y comunicativos. Valentina (Colombia) El hecho de fomentar la interculturalidad hace que este espacio sea de gran apoyo para nuestro proceso de frmación en lengua extranjera.
Catalina (Colombia) The IVEProject helped my students to improve their English because I could teach some topics and then they practiced in the project.
Claudia Carolina (Colombia) El beneficio más importante que ofrece IVE proyect es que le da la oportunidad a los aprendices de utilizar la lengua inglesa en un contexto real de socialización. Sumado a una apertura de mente en términos de cultura.
María Alejandra (Colombia) The IVEProject represents a cultural approach through English for students who do not have the economic means, time and space to do it on their own. Additionally, it is a project that makes it easier for the English teacher to create a suitable space where students can use English in an authentic and controlled way. - Alejandra Sandoval - SENA Bogotá D.C, Colombia.
Daniel Alfredo (Colombia) El IVEProject está beneficiando enormemente a nuestros estudiantes al ofrecerles una experiencia única de aprendizaje intercultural. A través de interacciones auténticas con compañeros de otros países, nuestros alumnos están mejorando sus habilidades lingüísticas, desarrollando una perspectiva global más amplia y cultivando competencias esenciales para el siglo XXI como la empatía, la adaptabilidad y el pensamiento crítico. Este proyecto no solo enriquece su educación académica, sino que también los prepara para ser ciudadanos del mundo más conscientes y comprometidos.
Daniela Paola (Colombia) It improved apprentice's vocabulary as well as writing production.
Dulit (Colombia) Pienso que si es de gran utilidad ya que les permite a los estudiantes interactuar con sus pares de otras culturas por medio de la tecnología.
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