The basic IVEProject remains, and will always be, free-of-charge for educators and students to participate in.

The International Virtual Exchange Project (IVEProject) is an online collaborative project where students from more than 20 countries use the English they are studying in class to interact with each other and improve their intercultural understanding. It was previously (until March 2022) funded via a JSPS Kaken grant however that is now finished. For the past two years it has been funded by Adam Jenkins, Eric Hagley and contributions from a very few fine others. 

Running the server costs money. In particular certain features like the forum report require a lot of server power; so much so that in the May-June, 2024 exchange the server was even brought down by overuse of the forum report. We need either more server power, or less usage of heavy features like the forum report. Hence, we now have options for educators and students to gain access to these features in exchange for payment. These benefits will likely change somewhat with time, but for now include access to special tools like the forum reports and discussion metrics as well as extra support from administrators. 

Payment options for expanded participation in the IVEProject

We are implementing several options to enable you to contribute to the project and keep it running healthily for years to come (when you make a payment, please use the email you used to signup here or email with the email you used):

Textbook Option

The preferred option is for students to use the IVEProject online text book "Ticket to the World". When students use this, their teachers also gain access to all tools that are available, as do the students.

Non-Textbook Option

Basic expanded participation: $US50 / group (maximum 50). With this option, teachers gain access to the forum report. The forum report is now a report that is run once a day for those with access to it, and results generated for viewing the following day.  Pay now

IVEProject Silver expansion: $US100 / group (maximum 100). With this option, teachers gain added assistance with student registration and workshops and their students can participate in the official weekly real-time video calls. Pay now

IVEProject Gold expansion: $US200 / group (maximum 200). With this option, reports and other access to students' participation is organized for you and your students ensuring a smooth interaction with peers around the world, including online tutorials, registration, workshops and access to real-time interactions with those peers. Pay now

IVEProject Gold Plus expansion: $US350 / group (maximum 500) Same as Gold option, but more students. Pay now

For schools with more than 500 students, please contact Eric at

More Ways to Support the IVEProject

Other options that will give teachers and students access to all tools and real-time calls (you only need one): 

Participation in the upcoming IVE conference. The inaugural conference is planned for 2025. Those that participate will gain the basic expanded access option outlined above for next year's IVEProject. (Participation cost: $US100 which includes access to all presentations and workshops in addition to recordings.)

For those that wish to carry out their own virtual exchange, we offer access to a private course where only your students are added with your partner class and they can interact therein. There is a maximum of 100 students and data up to 5GB can be uploaded - more than enough for any of the virtual exchanges that have been carried out by such classes. (for courses with more students, please contact eric@iveproject to discuss options.)

Your assistance with payment helps keep the IVEProject expanding and improving (funds are also used to develop new tools too) and we are grateful to you.





私たちは、皆様がプロジェクトに貢献し、将来にわたって健全な運営を続けることができるよう、いくつかのオプションを導入しています(お支払いの際には、こちらでサインアップする際に使用したEメールをお使いいただくか、 までEメールをお送りください):






IVEProject Gold拡張:US$200/グループ(最大200)。このオプションでは、オンラインチュートリアル、登録、ワークショップ、リアルタイムでの仲間との交流など、世界中の仲間とのスムーズな交流を保証するために、先生と生徒のために、生徒の参加に関するレポートやその他のアクセスが用意されています。支払いへ

IVEProjectゴールド・プラス拡張:350米ドル/グループ(最大500名) ゴールド・オプションと同じですが、生徒数が増えます。支払いへ




IVE学会への参加。初回学会は2025年に予定されている。参加される方は、来年のIVEProjectで上記の基本拡大アクセスオプションを得ることができます。(参加費: US100ドル。すべてのプレゼンテーションとワークショップへのアクセスに加え、録画も含まれる)。



Terakhir diubah: Rabu, 16 Oktober 2024, 09:30

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