Payment for participation in the IVEProject

The International Virtual Exchange Project (IVEProject) is an online collaborative project where students from more than 20 countries use the English they are studying in class to interact with each other and improve their intercultural understanding. It was previously (until March 2022) funded via a JSPS Kaken grant however that is now finished. To cover costs for the project we are now asking for a small payment to be made by participating institutions. The costs for participation in one iteration of the IVEProject are as follows:

Basic participation: ¥5,000 (Your students are able to participate in the IVEProject)

IVEProject Silver: ¥10,000 (added assistance with student registration and workshops)

IVEProject Gold: ¥20,000 (everything organized for your students to have a smooth interaction with peers around the world, including online tutorials, registration, workshops and detailed information)

Your assistance with payment helps keep the IVEProject going and we are grateful to you.


基礎参加費 ¥5,000 (学生が参加できます。)
銀参加費 ¥10,000 (登録やワークショップ参加を含むサービス込み)
金参加費 ¥20,000 (学生が全員スムーズに世界中の学生と交流する参加できる。オンライン個別指導プログラム、登録やワークショップ参加とさらなる個別サービス込み)


Last modified: Monday, 15 July 2024, 10:15 AM

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