Research on the IVEProject
When researching virtual exchange, it is always good to understand what it is. This chapter describes it in detail.
Hagley, E. (2020). Musings on virtual exchange in the Asia-Pacific and beyond. In Hagley, E; Wang, Y. (Eds), Virtual exchange in the Asia-Pacific: research and practice pp. 231-240
Research on the IVEProject: A list of research publications relating to the IVEProject
Hagley, E., Nooraldaim A. S., (2024). Virtual Exchange in Africa–the Case of Sudan, in Hybrid Learning in English Language Teaching: Motivation, Challenges and Opportunities, Effiong, O., Ben Abbes, K., Batziakas, B. pp. 242-253 Cambridge Scholars Publishing. (if you require a copy, please contact Eric at
Matsumoto, Y. (2024). Fostering Intercultural Competence Through Virtual Exchange in Japanese Higher Education, WorldCALL2023: Conference Proceedings, 17–25
Kato. C., Arai. K. (2023). Opportunities and Challenges of Integrating Virtual Exchange in EFL Communication Course, Practical Research Report of the Faculty of Education/Education Department 2, 9-17. (download here)
Roarty, A., Tuncer, H., Tang, L., (2023). Adding synchronous sessions to asynchronous virtual exchange: Insights from the IVEProject. Intercultural Communication Education, 6(1), 19–32.
Remmerswaal, R. (2023). First-year Student Perceptions of the International Virtual Exchange. SILC Journal, 2, 37 - 45,
Hagley, E. (2023). Bringing ELF to life via Virtual Exchange –The IVEProject, In Stevkovska, M., Idrizi, E., and Miftari-Fetishi, I. (Eds). Contemporary Issues in Language Teaching, 63-80, International Balkan University.
Addo, E. (2023). The Impact of Virtual Exchange on Japanese University Students Masters Thesis
Hagley, E. (2022). At the heart of English education transformation: Virtual exchange and the IVEProject. Bulletin of Research Center for Computing and Multimedia Studies, Hosei University, 37, 53-57,
Hagley, E. & Green, W. (2022). Helping Teachers Help Their Students Participate in Virtual Exchange: The Importance of Teacher Training, International Journal of TESOL Studies 4 (3) 94-110
Donnery, E. (2022). From demotivation to Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC): Japanese university learner journeys in the International Virtual Exchange Project (IVEProject). In S. Hilliker [Ed.], Second language teaching and learning through virtual exchange (pp. 35-48). de Gruter GmbH
Mahoney, J. (2022). Opening the Door: Using the International Virtual Exchange Project to Enrich Discussion Classes, Journal of Multilingual Pedagogy and Practice, 2,
Pudelek, J. (2022). Using Online Forums to Promote Japanese University Student Motivation to Use English Outside the Classroom. Selected papers from the JALTCALL2022 Conference, Japan [online], 26-42
Hagley, E. (2021). Case Study 4, Japan: Incorporating Virtual Exchange into the English Communication Classroom. Language Learning with Technology, 113-121
Roarty, A. & Hagley, E. (2021). Using virtual exchange to develop intercultural understanding in EFL students. Teaching English as a Second Language Electronic Journal (TESL-EJ), 25(3).
Hagley, E. (2021). Incorporating the International Virtual Exchange Project into English Curricula in Japan – Benefits and Issues. Bulletin of Research Center for Computing and Multimedia Studies, Hosei University, 36, 47-53.
Bissett, H. (2021). A study of Kanazawa Seiryo University Women's Junior College students' perceptions of the IVE project: A preliminary analysis. Memoirs of Kanazawa Seiryo University,
Wang, Yi’an; Miao, Liyang. (2020). Ethnographic approaches to developing intercultural competence through intercultural interactions in the higher education context in China. In Hagley, Eric; Wang, Yi’an (Eds), Virtual exchange in the Asia-Pacific: research and practice (pp. 11-36).
Woodward, H. (2020). Computer-Mediated Asynchronous Discussions on the International Virtual Exchange, Journal of Foreign Language Education and Research, 1,
Hagley, E. (2020). Effects of Virtual Exchange in the EFL classroom on Students' Cultural and Intercultural Sensitivity. Computer-Assisted Language Learning Electronic Journal, 21(3), 74-87.
Smith, A., Ruthven-Stuart, P., Johnson, A., Hagley, E. (2020) Metrics for Measuring Students’ Forum Participation in a Multinational Online Exchange. INTED2020 Proceedings, pp. 8996-9003.
Hagley, E; Cotter, M. (2019). Virtual exchange supporting language and intercultural development: students’ perceptions. In Meunier, Fanny; Van de Vyver, Julie; Bradley, Linda; Thouësny, Sylvie (Eds), CALL and complexity – short papers from EUROCALL 2019, 163-168.
Roux, P.; Suzuki, K.; Matsuba, R; Goda, Y. (2018) Developing Cultural Intelligence (CQ): Designs for Blended Learning. International Journal for Educational Media and Technology, 12 (1), 18-28.Disponível em: <>
Hagley, E., & Harashima, H. (2017). Raising the Intercultural Understanding and Skills of EFL Students through Virtual Exchange on Moodle. Proceedings of Moodlemoot Japan 2017 Annual Conference,vol.5, 28-33
Hagley, E., & Thomson, H. (2017). Virtual Exchange: Providing International Communication Opportunities for Learners of English as a Foreign Language. Journal of Language and Culture of Hokkaido,vol.15, 1-10
Hagley, Eric. (2016). Making virtual exchange/telecollaboration mainstream – large scale exchanges. In Jager, Sake; Kurek, Malgorzata; O'Rourke, Breffni (Eds), New directions in telecollaborative research and practice: selected papers from the second conference on telecollaboration in higher education, 225-230.
Hagley, E. (2016). Large Scale Virtual Exchanges with Moodle. Proceedings of Moodlemoot Japan 2016 Annual Conference,vol.4,15-19
Hagley, E. (2014). Collaborative and Cooperative Online Language Exchanges. Journal of Language and Culture of Hokkaido,vol.12, 43-50
Hagley, E. (2014). Moodle as a Conduit for International Telecollaboration. Proceedings of Moodlemoot Japan 2014 Annual Conference,vol.2,13-16
In other languages:
Rabello, C. (2020). Virtual Exchange: Contributions for Pre-Service English Language Teachers. Redoc, 4(3), 58-82
On a Dual language Chinese/Japanese IVEProject
Qu, M & Hagley E. (2021). Evaluating the Impact of Virtual Exchange on a Chinese Language Class in Japan. Journal of Technology and Chinese Language Teaching, 12-2, 49-65
Other virtual exchange research (you will have to login/create an account to see this extensive VE bibliography)
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